Tuesday, February 19, 2013


So, folks, she finally succeeded. Good for her, everyone should succeed at something no matter how many times they fail at it. Eventually you’ll get it right, and the world (at large or at small) will take notice. Nevertheless, yes it’s extremely tragic and sad that someone chooses to go this route, ending their life instead of seeking true help for their emotional and mental problems. It doesn’t matter if it’s your next-door neighbor or someone who sold over 2 million copies of their first album, suicide is never an answer to a question. It’s more like the sledgehammer of a period that has no place in the sentence, and one that no one likes to see or deal with.

Yet everyone saw this coming, even Ray Charles and HE'S DEAD. I mean let’s face it; it’s not as if this was Mindy McCready’s first try at the rodeo. In 2005 she tried not once, but TWICE to end her life alone. Her 2002 comeback-attempt album, MINDY MCCREADY, had received so-so reviews and didn’t really set the world back ablaze like her debut had 6 years prior. Her world had been spiraling downward and her life choices didn’t help matters none. Some can’t handle the celebrity, and others just can’t seem to hold it together when the world is no longer pounding down their door. Also that same year her and her boyfriend got into a fight that resulted in him choking her out…and yet they got back together AND she let him knock her up? SERIOUSLY?

I’m sorry folks and I already know that this is going to sound über-insensitve but every word is absolutely 100% true and you can’t deny any of it. If you are willing to go back to the man (or woman…let’s face it some of you women out there are downright vicious little monkeys) who beat you nearly to death, you’re literally asking for it. I don’t know what went wrong in your life or your head leading up to such a decision, but to go back into the gates of hell after what should have been a glaring wake-up call, well I’m sorry but any sympathy you had going into it went right out the window.

Also, here’s where any sympathy I would have had for her would have been further handicapped: she tried killing herself while she was pregnant. Why? To get back at him for something new that he had done? Who knows, but the second attempt would have meant the life of a baby in the process. Oh, and she tried again in 2008, which would have orphaned her child as well. Way to go! She kept trying.

Her last album, I’M STILL HERE…now I’m not a fan of hers by any stretch of the imagination but a title like that is almost condescending. As though she’s saying, “Hey, remember me, the headcase that’s in the news for trying to kill herself?” Released after her stint on a reality rehab show (definition of oxymoron in three words), which by the way has more deaths and relapse stories than any true successes, it is also a way for her to try and say that she’s made it through a lot of shit in her life. Once again it didn’t set the world ablaze and would be her last album. Unless of course she’s Tupac and has some more stuff that has yet to be released. If so then at least her poor kids will have some income for a bit.

Oh, and for the record, there is no such thing as a GOOD celebrity porn video. Period.

There were arrest warrants, assault charges, an OD in 2010 (let’s face it, any OD when a celebrity is involved is at least 80% of the time a suicide attempt), and all sorts of trouble that this poor girl brought about in her life. And 2013 just was not her year. Her boyfriend died of an apparent “self-inflicted gunshot wound” on January 13, 2013, not long after apparently he had been cheating on her (allegedly). I'm sorry but a massive rumor like that followed by one half dying of “suicide” can only reek of suspicion. Moreover, her killing herself not long after, on February 17, 2013, pretty much ended any possible investigation of her involvement, if any. Another tragic end that will lead to record sales going up, downloads increasing, and a tragic biopic no doubt already being shuttled into pre-production.

Predictably the celebrities come out feeling sorry for her and not being able to believe that she had come to such a tragic ending. What a bunch of fucking hypocrites. Where were any of them when she needed help? Minding their own business, that’s where. It seems they only come out when “one of their own” dies, one way or another.

On the plus side, though, she has contributed to the ideal country song by shooting her dog.

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