Wednesday, February 6, 2013


It’s simply amazing as to what makes the news these days, isn’t it? From Kim Vapidashian breeding with CuntyeWest, to how a football recruit dresses at some signing, it makes you wonder just how slow of a day in the world it is when this stuff takes priority over real news. These annoyances don’t interest me and thousands (or dozens) of other people in the least and just clutter up our need/desire to absorb what’s going on in the world around us. When the unbelievably ignorant happens, now that’s what catches my eye and piques my interest enough to look past just the headline. So when it made the news recently that a lesbian couple who were ready to lay down God only knows how much money for a wedding cake were denied by their baker of choice based on his religious/political beliefs...seriously?

Yes, I already know the ‘Devil’s Advocate’ argument in this case being, "he reserves the right to refuse service" but c'mon, when are we going to evolve past this nonsense? Oh, wait, I forgot...this country is overrun by mindless bigots who still cannot get over the fact that there’s a _____ in the White House (I won’t say it, but you know there are those out there who think it, say it or live it). If I’m not mistaken (and in this I know I’m not) I do remember learning at a young age that this country was founded on the basic principal of breaking away from oppression and unfair rule. Only now, we’ve turned into that which we tried to run from.

One would have thought that we as a country had learned from our mistakes with how we treat people of different races and creeds, yet apparently we haven’t moved past even the idea of embracing the basic appreciation of our fellow human beings. Need I remind you of what we did when we first landed? We ‘overcame’ slavery through a WAR, but even after almost 700,000 people died in the conflict African Americans didn’t even fully win their freedom until the 1960's. Yet even with one in the White House they STILL have a hard enough time with being accepted in all levels of society it seems. Oh, Sorry Jethro but dark skin has been on this planet for thousands of years, so it’s not as if it's a new thing.

The same goes with sexual orientation. It’s not like that just sprouted up overnight a decade or so ago. Gays and lesbians have been around since, oh I don't know, BEFORE JESUS WAS BORN! Moreover, if you follow the Bible much the same way that Scientologists and Mormons follow their own books then did not Jesus say in Mark 12:31 "And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these." (KJV)? Run, oh ye faithful, and open yon dust-covered tomes, I'll wait yonder wiping mine own ass with silken weave. Oh, you're back. I don't remember anywhere in the Bible where Jesus said "Love thy neighbor, but shun the homos." Oops, I forgot, that's in the Southern version of the Bible, my bad. Whether by choice or by genes, I don't care, gays, like African Americans, are human beings. Amazing how America and the world can focus so much hatred on two distinct examples of humanity. Oh yeah, let's not forgot what kindly old Adolf did to gays during WWII.

In the preamble of the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE on which our nation was formed, it clearly states "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." Ahem...c'mon geniuses, stand forth and read that little two-word gem there: ALL MEN. See it? Plain as day...ALL MEN. It doesn't say ALL WHITE MEN or ALL STRAIGHT MEN, it says ALL. Merriam-Webster defines ALL in this context as "every member or individual component of". Our own elected officials in the Government seem to gloss over it when it comes down to simple, basic, elementary HUMAN rights. If gays want to marry then let them. I applaud the States that made it legal for them to do so (hooray Texas for being one of the most hateful States in the union) because they at least understand what marriage TRULY is: the union between two people who LOVE one another and CARE for one another. These basic ideals are not exclusive only to the hetero crowd. Sorry, they just aren’t.

I know some of you hold the Bible close to your chest, and good for you, it's good to have something to believe in in this day and age, but c'mon, where is the love that the 'good book' teaches? Where is the understanding and the love for your FELLOW MAN that is preached in the second half (first half pretty much says kill your kids or else God will fucking spank you)? Everyone on this planet, not just in this country, is entitled to the same rights that we all take for granted, not just a few here and there...ALL. If gays want to take up arms and serve our country and defend its borders, let them and don't make them feel worthless in the process. So be it. Just because they have a different sexual orientation doesn't mean they can't fire a gun, operate a tank, or guide bombs to their targets. What, did some group of Generals sit around and assume that a gay man can’t push the trigger on a console to send a missile hundreds of miles across the desert to destroy a bunker without a dick in his ass? Close, as itturns out. African Americans were deemed too stupid to fly jets in WWII, and yet look at what the Tuskegee Airmen did.

If gays want to cement their love for one another just like heteros do, then let them. Not like they can do any worse than hetero marriages which have a staggering percentage end in dviorce. Seems kind of odd to say that a man and man or a woman and woman can’t form a better, stronger and healthier bond than the failings of a man and a woman. And if they come into your shop to spend money for your services, put your Bible down, take the money and do the best damn job on the planet like you do with each and every cake. I don’t watch Duff Goldman, but after he came forward and said he’d do their cake for free and ship it across the country, that right there at least shows someone out there is willing to do what is right, even at a sizable financial loss.

Even though you have the right of refusal, you wind up looking like a total rusty douche-nozzle in the public eye.

As a shout-out to someone willing to go the extra mile to do something totally awesome in the aftermath of something shitty, check out Duff's page and, maybe, get some cake.

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