Friday, February 8, 2013


Miami Dade Circuit Court Judge Jorge Rodriguez-Chomat was a hero.


By now I’m sure you’ve all taken in the antics of one 18-year-old Penelope Soto, and applauded the harsh penalties that Jorge laid down on this fine example of the youth of America. How could you not? She was already in court on possession of Xanax without a prescription (which can carry a penalty of a fine up to $5,000 and a maximum 5 years in prison), so already she’s been on the wrong path in life. That comes as no surprise to me considering just how much children of all ages are allowed to get away with these days. You can watch the video and safely conclude that this girl has gotten away with everything in her life, and she went into this court feeling that her streak was going to continue.

February 4, 2013: Judge Jorge Rodriguez-Chomat first set her bond at $5,000 and she flippantly brushed it off. I’m sorry but to me, and millions of others around the country, five-grand is nothing to sneeze at. If my freedom came at such a price tag I’d pretty much prepare my ass for much ramming of cock because that much money isn’t lying around the house. He calls her back and then ups it to $10,000. The hero of millions is born. Right there…RIGHT THERE…should have been the wake-up call this little princess should have answered.

So what does the smartest girl in the room proceed to do? She flips off the judge and cusses him out. Now this is a common thing with kids against adults these days, even by those far younger than this nut-stain. Jorge wouldn’t have any of it and sentenced her to 30 days in jail for contempt of court. If this had been in the middle of a stadium I’m almost certain that the very ground would have shook with applause and raucous cheering of parents and adults fed up with the antics of children like this, thankful that someone dropped the hammer on this shit.

February 8, 2013: Judge Jorge Rodriguez-Chomat should just hand in his gavel. Little Miss Perfect comes back and apologizes for her actions, claiming she was under the influence…

Sorry for this little sidebar but I am so sick and tired of people using their addictions as excuses for their actions. Your actions are your own, they were there already and whether you had drugs or alcohol in your system, or were stone cold sober, they are YOUR actions and you need to take full credit for your stupidity. Anyways…

Soto apologizes with tears in her eyes, voice quivering, and the judge falls for it AND DROPS THE CHARGES! Seriously? He dropped the 30-days and the contempt charges and feels that the whole thing “should be a lesson in how to properly treat people”. No, accepting her apology and telling her tough shit is how you show young criminals, hardened or just starting out, how to treat people is what you do, not let her off for bad behavior. She’s already going to slide by with a drug program that’s going to drop the possession charge off her record, so who wins here?

Soto wins.

Jorge, you have failed the judicial system and are a waste of space in your profession. Soto didn’t learn a fucking thing and we all know it. She was coached by her attorney and you fell for it hook, line and sinker. You did the right thing on the 4th and you should have stood by it and let her suffer the consequences of her actions. Instead you turn around and reward her, which shows not only her brilliant ass, but also thousands and millions of children out there, that you can act like a complete and total ass and still get away with crime.

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